At times when you contact us, we know that issues being discussed can be frustrating or distressing for you. To help us understand and assist with your issue, please be polite to our staff, they deserve to be treated with good manners, and respect. We won’t tolerate abusive or unreasonable behaviour towards them, and it may affect how effectively we can communicate with you.
Our policy sets out what we consider to be abusive or unreasonable behaviour and the actions we might take if we consider your behaviour to be unacceptable.
Abusive behaviour
We care about our Wisers, and will protect their personal safety and wellbeing at all times while at work. We will seek to understand and try to resolve matters to your satisfaction, but recognise that not everyone will agree with our decisions. While that can be frustrating, we will not accept or tolerate any behaviour that we consider to be insulting, threatening or violent towards any of Wisers such as:
offensive, violent or inappropriate language
aggressive or threatening behaviour
racist, sexist or homophobic language
any other form of discrimination
Unreasonable behaviour
We want to be as open and accessible as possible, and will provide appropriate and adequate responses in a timely manner. But we also need to use our resources in an efficient and effective way. Occasionally, some types of communication or behaviour can put excessive or unreasonable demands on the time of our people. This affects our ability to help other people.
Examples of unreasonable behaviour include:
refusing to cooperate, or clarify an issue or matter, despite our offers of help
contacting Wisers on social media
Actions we might take
We will explain what we see as unacceptable and ask people to change their behaviour. If it continues we may:
end the call
stop communicating directly over the telephone, and only communicate in writing
deactivate your account