Quick Pay is a Wise service that makes it easy for your business to get paid quickly by customers. When you add your unique Quick Pay link and QR code to your invoices, customers can pay you quickly through Wise — without needing your bank account details, and without having to log in to Wise first.
You can also add the invoice number into the link on your invoice that you generate through your invoice tool.
Here, we'll explain how to use Quick Pay with Xero, QuickBooks and other invoicing tools.
How can I add my link and QR code to my invoices?
If you use accounting software to create invoices, you can add your link and QR code to your invoice template. Do this once, and every future invoice will include the option to pay this way.
Most invoicing and accounting software include the option to create and save a template, which can be automatically used for every invoice. Find the option to create or customise your invoice, and depending on the tool you use, you can then input your link and QR code into the invoice template.
Accessing your link and QR code
On the app or web, choose Payments
Choose Quick Pay
Copy your link and then paste or input it into your invoice template
You can also choose Download to get your QR code as a file you can import to your invoice template
Can I add a description to the Quick Pay link?
Yes, you can do this through our website or you can manually adjust the URL. Here's how:
Through the website
Select Personalise
Enter the amount, currency and description.
This will pre-fill your personal Quick Pay link with the details. You can Copy the link and share it with your payers. The amount and currency will be defined.
Manually editing the URL
Get your Quick Pay URL
At the end of the URL, add:
After "=" add your text description. i.e.
For example, https://wise.com/pay/business/account?amount=123¤cy=USD&description=invoice1234
How to add your link and QR code to invoices in Xero
After you get your Quick Pay link or QR code file from the steps above, sign in to Xero and follow these steps.
Setting up the invoice template in Xero
Chose your company name (top left) and then Settings
Choose Invoice settings
Choose Payment services
Scroll to the text that says “If you're wanting a payment service that isn't listed, add another online payment option” and choose this link
Choose Custom Payment URL
Enter an Account name. Use something you’ll recognise, like Wise account
In the Your custom URL field, paste your Quick Pay link from Wise. If you want your customer to enter the currency and amount to pay, leave the URL as is. If you want your payment link to include the amount due on the invoice, add this to the end of the link: ?currency=[CURRENCY]&amount=[AMOUNTDUE]&description=[INVOICENUMBER]
In the Pay now button text field, enter Pay with Wise, or your own button text
This text will appear on your invoice as a button, which customers can click to pay
Select Save
After you set up the invoice
Choose the option to add online payments and select the Wise payment method you just created
To see how it works, choose Approve and get link (top right).
Copy and paste the link into a new browser window to see how the invoice will look for your customers
And it's done! Send your invoice via Xero as normal
How to add your link and QR code to invoices in QuickBooks
After you get your Quick Pay link or QR code file from the steps above, sign in to Quickbooks and follow these steps.
Setting up the template in QuickBooks
Choose the Gear icon (top right)
Choose Custom form styles
Choose Edit to change your invoice template
Choose the Content tab
Choose the Footer area of the invoice preview (right of screen)
Paste your Wise Quick Pay URL into the Add payment details and footer field
You may want to add some extra text to explain the link, such as “Please use this link to pay”
Select Done to save your changes — and that's it!