Due to licensing limitations, we’re unable to onboard businesses from Nevada, and US territories (Virgin Islands, Guam, Mariana Islands).
When you sign up to Wise, you’ll need to give some details about your business. It’s part of how we’re regulated, and it helps keep your money safe.
Learn more about business verification.
What we ask for will vary depending on your company type. We may reach out to you for more information or documents — so keep an eye on your email.
Business name, company type and registration number
We’ll ask for basic business details including:
your business name
your company type
Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN)
SSN or TIN if you are a Sole Proprietor
Business registered address
This is the address where your business has officially been incorporated. It could be the address of the registration agency you used or the one of your attorney.
Business trading address
This is your primary place of business, the place where you work every day. It can be an office, co-working space, shop, studio or home.
This address has to be a physical location, we can’t accept PO boxes, registration agencies, mail forwarding services or other similar virtual addresses.
We'll eventually ask you for a business proof of address.
Details about your business activities, website and how you’ll use Wise
This can include:
details about the products you sell, or services you provide
a link to your business website or online storefront, if you have one
your reason for using a Wise business account
the expected monthly volumes you’ll move
The more information you can give us about your business, the faster we can verify it.
Owners (Ultimate Beneficial Owners) and controller of the business
We’ll need details of anyone (natural person or entity) who directly or indirectly owns 25% or more of the company, or who exercises control over the company.
You’ll need to designate one of the owners or a 3rd-party person as the controller of the business. You can only designate one controller.
For each of them we’ll need:
full name
date of birth
full address
controlling person
We’ll also ask for the SSN of the beneficial owners that reside in the US or have a US passport. For the non-US beneficial owners we’ll request a copy of a photo ID.
If you want to know more about how we verify UBOs
Personal details and ID for the account owner
We need this information to make sure the account owner is authorised to act on behalf of the business.
We’ll ask for your personal details and your SSN and/or ID, so we can verify your identity.
Business directors
We’ll ask for the full name, date of birth and country of residence for each director.
If you’re a sole proprietor, you won’t need to give this information.